IQ Weight Loss through Juice fasting &  Qi Exercise

Juicing helps you lose weight by bringing about a considerable caloric shortage. During your juice fasting diet, you’ll take in vegetable and fruit juice every 3 to 4 hours. This steady energy supply will prevent your metabolism from breaking down and keep your weight loss endeavors going strong. It also lets the body better absorb the nutrients from the vegetables and fruits you’re consuming. Keep in mind that a well nourished body is less likely to utilize muscle tissue as fuel and will possibly let go of its fats better.

Juicing and Exercise  

IQ balance Exercises adapted from Tai Chi Quan can significantly improve the results of juicing. You will need to perform 2 different kinds of exercise to achieve maximum benefit. These include Qi active movements and cardiovascular exercises. Doing cardio and juicing at the same time can double the results. Low-impact cardiovascular exercises such as brisk Qi walking while listening to your downloaded audio guide via head phones are the best form of cardio. Doing these exercises allows you to burn a bigger percentage of fat. It is true that doing high-intensity exercises can burn more total fat and calories, but it also burns lots of carbohydrates that can result in loss of muscle mass and strength when juicing.

A similarly significant element in completing an effective juicing diet is IQ balance weight training. It will help sustain your metabolism and preserve muscle mass. This lets you lose maximal fat while keeping your muscle mass and strength. IQ training must be done 3 times a week for around 30 – 45 minutes. You can utilize IQ Balance systems and perform 2 sets of 15 repetitions, working every muscle group. Aside from this, you can perform body IQ exercises similar to crunches, squats and push-ups (in a gentler form), doing the same set and repetition requirements.

Remember that the goal when juicing is to maintain your muscle mass and not boost it. Doing too many repetitions or lifting too much weight can damage the muscle fibers.  During a juicing diet, the body might not have enough energy to fix the damaged fibers, which will decrease muscle strength and size – the complete opposite of what you actually want.

IQ Weight loss through juicing needs careful preparation to maximize your weight loss attempts and stay away from regaining weight. You will have to follow a pre-fasting diet for 2 to 3 days, but this depends on what your former eating practices were like. During your pre-fasting diet, you will have to totally cut out unnatural sugars, processed foods, fatty meat cuts and processed fruit juices. As much as possible, eating organic foods during this period should be done. You will want to consume 5 small meals every day. Each should contain around 300 – 400 calories. Eating lean meats, legumes, vegetables, fruits and nuts is recommended. This will get the body used to consuming healthy, natural food and help you avoid experiencing detox symptoms such as fatigue and headache. Once you start juicing to lose weight, what you need to remember is to provide your body with a constant supply of energy and keep the diet you are following as balanced as possible.

You can also benefit from a IQ Balance web-series showing you how you will lose weight by juice fasting with healthy super foods, organic fruits & vegetables plus doing specially designed exercises from a 5000-year old system of Tai chi quan. If you follow the IQ Balance system for 1 day special, 3 days special, 10 days or 28 days special weight loss & Juicing program. You will shed off those unwanted pounds, feel energized and have fun doing it by yourself or with the whole family.



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